About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Statement of intent:

Community education is seen in the broadest sense to include community work, adult education and youth work and takes place in a range of settings and agencies. We see the concept of community education as dynamic and diverse and do not seek to reflect a fixed view.

  1. We seek to make a contribution to the creation of a critical culture, where workers can engage with each other and their experiences.
  2. We seek to reflect the diversity of views about community education purposes and practice.
  3. We encourage challenges to assumptions and orthodoxies within community education and seek to promote progressive developments.
  4. We wish to stimulate debate which represents a range of viewpoints.
  5. We encourage practitioners to reflect critically on their own experience as a way of re-interpreting existing ideas and generating new ones. In particular, we recognise the value of learning from all practice - ‘ineffective' as well as ‘effective'.
  6. We seek to scrutinise critically policy developments and implications for practice.
  7. We seek to encourage contributions from all sections of the field in the form of reviews, articles and letters.
  8. We offer assistance to any contributor who wishes to develop ideas into print.

Journal Information & Policies

Please see our Journal Information & Policies page for details of the Journal's peer review process, Open Access policy and other journal information.