It's OK to be angry about capitalism


  • Nigel Hewlett


working class, capitalism, america


At a time when most politicians are wary of the phrase "working class", Bernie Sanders has no such qualms. It recurs countless times in this book, most of which is devoted to detailing the current plight of the American working class, its causes and the remedies needed. Sanders does not mince his words: the American working class lives a precarious, underpaid existence and suffers abysmal health care and poor education. Attempts at unionisation are aggressively put down. The force oppressing the working class, the Sanders narrative continues, is a handful of billionaires, who make massive donations to America's two major political parties (sometimes to both at once), by which means they are able to block policy changes threatening their own financial interests. He expresses, at length, a quite personal loathing for these people and their values. Sanders informs us that the Democrats have more billionaire donors than the Republicans but he is justly proud that he did not solicit or receive any funding from them for his own campaign for nomination as the Democratic candidate for the presidency in 2020 (and when they read his book they won't be giving him a cent in the future).




How to Cite

Hewlett, N. (2023) “It’s OK to be angry about capitalism”, Concept, 14(2), pp. 1–2. Available at: (Accessed: 5 July 2024).